ISSUE 46: GHOST Callout prompt text by Xanthe Dobbie For full information, visit Ghost/Ghosting/Ghosted A ghost is a body dispersed across time [1] Temporal dislocation Horizons fused A glitch An anti-body – surviving through mutability [2] A past which haunts a present Possibly a future Unfinished business Low opacity purpose Earthbound by… Obligation? Love? Vengeance? Seems romantic I have ghosted many men in my life I didn’t know that it could hurt them Until I discovered my queerness And realised that people have feelings Do ghosts!? Ghosts are everywhere On the internet Little shrines Erected to the living (And the dead of course) The Snapchat logo is no coincidence 👻👀 Myspace is the teething ghost of an entire generation Second Life was living ghosts The Metaverse is an army of ghosts Bred in captivity for capitalism All avatars are ghosts Beings made of pixels and light Cinema is the art of ghosts A battle of phantoms [3] Uncanny Valley murmurations Written in code Blurring the lines Between truth and illusion Hybrid beings Post-truth cyborgs Freed from the body The body is a ghost in waiting [1] Jesse Darling, “Intimacy Keynote,” Google Doc, June 2, 2015, [2] Legacy Russell, Glitch Feminism: A Manifesto (London: Verso Books, 2020). [3] Jacques Derrida playing himself in Ghost Dance, directed by Ken McMullen (Mediabox Limited U.K., 2008).